256 colors - cheat sheet Errata Exists: There seem to be duplicate color names in the list, and there are clashes between web and X11 colors in the CSS color scheme, as described here. There are 2 margin areas in base R plots: margin and oma.You can control their size calling the par function before your plot and giving the corresponding arguments. Mar for margin. Oma for outer margin area. For both arguments, you must give four values giving the desired space in the bottom, left, top and right part of the chart respectively. Fill color col = horizontal horiz = TRUE. R Base Graphics Cheatsheet Joyce&Robbins,&joycerobbins1@gmail.com& Created Date: 3/7/2016 5:52:42 PM. This article presents the top R color palettes for changing the default color of a graph generated using either the ggplot2 package or the R base plot functions. You’ll learn how to use the top 6 predefined color palettes in R, available in different R packages: Viridis color scales viridis package.Colorbrewer palettes RColorBrewer packageGrey color palettes ggplot2 package. R Markdown is an authoring format that makes it easy to write reusable reports with R. You combine your R code with narration written in markdown (an easy-to-write plain text format) and then export the results as an html, pdf, or Word file. You can even use R Markdown to build interactive documents and slideshows. Updated February 16.
R Color Basics
R graphical devices support a broad range of colors and color functions. The colors() command with no input arguments returns a list of all available colors in R. Presently, there are 657 colors. In practice, declaring colors can be achieved three ways:
- character names (e.g. “red”, “orange”, “yellow”),
- 3-digit RGB values (e.g. 255 0 0; 265 155 0; 255 255 0), and
- hexadecimal strings (e.g. “#FF0000”, “#FFA500”, “#FFFF00”).
R Color character names
Index extraction from the colors() list is one way to reveal available colors. For example:
2 4 6 8 10 | >colors()[552] >colors()[grep('orange',colors())] [1]'darkorange''darkorange1''darkorange2''darkorange3' [5]'darkorange4''orange''orange1''orange2''orange3' [14]'orangered3''orangered4' |
Using color names in plots is straightforward:
2 4 6 8 10 | barplot(1,axes=FALSE,col='steelblue') # Display all green colors axes=FALSE, xlim=c(0,5), col=colors()[grep('green',colors())]) |
RGB Color Codes in R
The function col2rgb() can be used to extract the RGB (red-green-blue) components of a color.
2 4 6 | col2rgb(c(R='red',O='orange',Y='yellow')) ROY green0165255 |
Each of the RGB color components ranges from 0 to 255. Given that the three RGB components having 256 possible values, then there are 256*256*256 possible colors, or a total of 16,777,216 colors.
Hexadecimal Colors (#rrggbb) in R
Hexadecimal colors represent a more efficient way (for machines) to represent the three RGB colors. Hexadecimal notation is a number scheme with a base of 16 (or hex) and the primary numbers 0, 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
For example, a color with the RGB values red=36, green=104, blue=160 is a greyish-blue color. The decimal numbers 36, 104 and 160 are defined in hexadecimal notation as 24, 68 and A0 respectively. To obtain the hex triplet, we simply concatenate the hash symbol and the three hex bytes together: #2468A0. If a number is less than 16 (in decimal notation) or 10 (in hex notation), it must be represented with a leading zero to keep the number of digits in the triplet equal to six. For example, the decimal triplet 0, 1, 2 would be represented by the hex triplet 000102.
R provide the function as.hexmode() to convert decimal numbers into hex numbers and the rgb() function to convert RGB triplets into hex triplets.
R Color Ramps and Hex Triplets
Hex triplets can be used in R in place of color names and are convenient when functions define color selection. For example, it is impossible to use character names to precisely define a color ramp, or the the range of colors that interpolate between a start and end color. Its easy with hex triplets!
2 4 6 8 10 | # Define the color ramp (returns a function object) ramp.list<-rgb(ramp(seq(0,1,length=5)),max=255) [1]'#FFB5C5''#BF87B3''#7F5AA2''#3F2D91''#000080' # Plot the color ramp barplot(rep(1,5),axes=FALSE,space=0,col=ramp.list) |
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Errata Exists: There seem to be duplicate color names in the list, and there are clashes between web and X11 colors in the CSS color scheme, as described here. Beware.
The following is a list of 256 (Xterm) colors containing an example of the displayed color, Xterm Number, Xterm Name, HEX, RGB and HSL codes. The data is also available as in JSON format: JSON data.
Change Color Palette In R
Colors 0-15 are Xterm system colors.
R Color Palette Cheat Sheet
Display | Xterm Number | Xterm Name | HEX | RGB | HSL |
0 | Black (SYSTEM) | #000000 | rgb(0,0,0) | hsl(0,0%,0%) | |
1 | Maroon (SYSTEM) | #800000 | rgb(128,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,25%) | |
2 | Green (SYSTEM) | #008000 | rgb(0,128,0) | hsl(120,100%,25%) | |
3 | Olive (SYSTEM) | #808000 | rgb(128,128,0) | hsl(60,100%,25%) | |
4 | Navy (SYSTEM) | #000080 | rgb(0,0,128) | hsl(240,100%,25%) | |
5 | Purple (SYSTEM) | #800080 | rgb(128,0,128) | hsl(300,100%,25%) | |
6 | Teal (SYSTEM) | #008080 | rgb(0,128,128) | hsl(180,100%,25%) | |
7 | Silver (SYSTEM) | #c0c0c0 | rgb(192,192,192) | hsl(0,0%,75%) | |
8 | Grey (SYSTEM) | #808080 | rgb(128,128,128) | hsl(0,0%,50%) | |
9 | Red (SYSTEM) | #ff0000 | rgb(255,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,50%) | |
10 | Lime (SYSTEM) | #00ff00 | rgb(0,255,0) | hsl(120,100%,50%) | |
11 | Yellow (SYSTEM) | #ffff00 | rgb(255,255,0) | hsl(60,100%,50%) | |
12 | Blue (SYSTEM) | #0000ff | rgb(0,0,255) | hsl(240,100%,50%) | |
13 | Fuchsia (SYSTEM) | #ff00ff | rgb(255,0,255) | hsl(300,100%,50%) | |
14 | Aqua (SYSTEM) | #00ffff | rgb(0,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,50%) | |
15 | White (SYSTEM) | #ffffff | rgb(255,255,255) | hsl(0,0%,100%) | |
16 | Grey0 | #000000 | rgb(0,0,0) | hsl(0,0%,0%) | |
17 | NavyBlue | #00005f | rgb(0,0,95) | hsl(240,100%,18%) | |
18 | DarkBlue | #000087 | rgb(0,0,135) | hsl(240,100%,26%) | |
19 | Blue3 | #0000af | rgb(0,0,175) | hsl(240,100%,34%) | |
20 | Blue3 | #0000d7 | rgb(0,0,215) | hsl(240,100%,42%) | |
21 | Blue1 | #0000ff | rgb(0,0,255) | hsl(240,100%,50%) | |
22 | DarkGreen | #005f00 | rgb(0,95,0) | hsl(120,100%,18%) | |
23 | DeepSkyBlue4 | #005f5f | rgb(0,95,95) | hsl(180,100%,18%) | |
24 | DeepSkyBlue4 | #005f87 | rgb(0,95,135) | hsl(97,100%,26%) | |
25 | DeepSkyBlue4 | #005faf | rgb(0,95,175) | hsl(07,100%,34%) | |
26 | DodgerBlue3 | #005fd7 | rgb(0,95,215) | hsl(13,100%,42%) | |
27 | DodgerBlue2 | #005fff | rgb(0,95,255) | hsl(17,100%,50%) | |
28 | Green4 | #008700 | rgb(0,135,0) | hsl(120,100%,26%) | |
29 | SpringGreen4 | #00875f | rgb(0,135,95) | hsl(62,100%,26%) | |
30 | Turquoise4 | #008787 | rgb(0,135,135) | hsl(180,100%,26%) | |
31 | DeepSkyBlue3 | #0087af | rgb(0,135,175) | hsl(93,100%,34%) | |
32 | DeepSkyBlue3 | #0087d7 | rgb(0,135,215) | hsl(02,100%,42%) | |
33 | DodgerBlue1 | #0087ff | rgb(0,135,255) | hsl(08,100%,50%) | |
34 | Green3 | #00af00 | rgb(0,175,0) | hsl(120,100%,34%) | |
35 | SpringGreen3 | #00af5f | rgb(0,175,95) | hsl(52,100%,34%) | |
36 | DarkCyan | #00af87 | rgb(0,175,135) | hsl(66,100%,34%) | |
37 | LightSeaGreen | #00afaf | rgb(0,175,175) | hsl(180,100%,34%) | |
38 | DeepSkyBlue2 | #00afd7 | rgb(0,175,215) | hsl(91,100%,42%) | |
39 | DeepSkyBlue1 | #00afff | rgb(0,175,255) | hsl(98,100%,50%) | |
40 | Green3 | #00d700 | rgb(0,215,0) | hsl(120,100%,42%) | |
41 | SpringGreen3 | #00d75f | rgb(0,215,95) | hsl(46,100%,42%) | |
42 | SpringGreen2 | #00d787 | rgb(0,215,135) | hsl(57,100%,42%) | |
43 | Cyan3 | #00d7af | rgb(0,215,175) | hsl(68,100%,42%) | |
44 | DarkTurquoise | #00d7d7 | rgb(0,215,215) | hsl(180,100%,42%) | |
45 | Turquoise2 | #00d7ff | rgb(0,215,255) | hsl(89,100%,50%) | |
46 | Green1 | #00ff00 | rgb(0,255,0) | hsl(120,100%,50%) | |
47 | SpringGreen2 | #00ff5f | rgb(0,255,95) | hsl(42,100%,50%) | |
48 | SpringGreen1 | #00ff87 | rgb(0,255,135) | hsl(51,100%,50%) | |
49 | MediumSpringGreen | #00ffaf | rgb(0,255,175) | hsl(61,100%,50%) | |
50 | Cyan2 | #00ffd7 | rgb(0,255,215) | hsl(70,100%,50%) | |
51 | Cyan1 | #00ffff | rgb(0,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,50%) | |
52 | DarkRed | #5f0000 | rgb(95,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,18%) | |
53 | DeepPink4 | #5f005f | rgb(95,0,95) | hsl(300,100%,18%) | |
54 | Purple4 | #5f0087 | rgb(95,0,135) | hsl(82,100%,26%) | |
55 | Purple4 | #5f00af | rgb(95,0,175) | hsl(72,100%,34%) | |
56 | Purple3 | #5f00d7 | rgb(95,0,215) | hsl(66,100%,42%) | |
57 | BlueViolet | #5f00ff | rgb(95,0,255) | hsl(62,100%,50%) | |
58 | Orange4 | #5f5f00 | rgb(95,95,0) | hsl(60,100%,18%) | |
59 | Grey37 | #5f5f5f | rgb(95,95,95) | hsl(0,0%,37%) | |
60 | MediumPurple4 | #5f5f87 | rgb(95,95,135) | hsl(240,17%,45%) | |
61 | SlateBlue3 | #5f5faf | rgb(95,95,175) | hsl(240,33%,52%) | |
62 | SlateBlue3 | #5f5fd7 | rgb(95,95,215) | hsl(240,60%,60%) | |
63 | RoyalBlue1 | #5f5fff | rgb(95,95,255) | hsl(240,100%,68%) | |
64 | Chartreuse4 | #5f8700 | rgb(95,135,0) | hsl(7,100%,26%) | |
65 | DarkSeaGreen4 | #5f875f | rgb(95,135,95) | hsl(120,17%,45%) | |
66 | PaleTurquoise4 | #5f8787 | rgb(95,135,135) | hsl(180,17%,45%) | |
67 | SteelBlue | #5f87af | rgb(95,135,175) | hsl(210,33%,52%) | |
68 | SteelBlue3 | #5f87d7 | rgb(95,135,215) | hsl(220,60%,60%) | |
69 | CornflowerBlue | #5f87ff | rgb(95,135,255) | hsl(225,100%,68%) | |
70 | Chartreuse3 | #5faf00 | rgb(95,175,0) | hsl(7,100%,34%) | |
71 | DarkSeaGreen4 | #5faf5f | rgb(95,175,95) | hsl(120,33%,52%) | |
72 | CadetBlue | #5faf87 | rgb(95,175,135) | hsl(150,33%,52%) | |
73 | CadetBlue | #5fafaf | rgb(95,175,175) | hsl(180,33%,52%) | |
74 | SkyBlue3 | #5fafd7 | rgb(95,175,215) | hsl(200,60%,60%) | |
75 | SteelBlue1 | #5fafff | rgb(95,175,255) | hsl(210,100%,68%) | |
76 | Chartreuse3 | #5fd700 | rgb(95,215,0) | hsl(3,100%,42%) | |
77 | PaleGreen3 | #5fd75f | rgb(95,215,95) | hsl(120,60%,60%) | |
78 | SeaGreen3 | #5fd787 | rgb(95,215,135) | hsl(140,60%,60%) | |
79 | Aquamarine3 | #5fd7af | rgb(95,215,175) | hsl(160,60%,60%) | |
80 | MediumTurquoise | #5fd7d7 | rgb(95,215,215) | hsl(180,60%,60%) | |
81 | SteelBlue1 | #5fd7ff | rgb(95,215,255) | hsl(195,100%,68%) | |
82 | Chartreuse2 | #5fff00 | rgb(95,255,0) | hsl(7,100%,50%) | |
83 | SeaGreen2 | #5fff5f | rgb(95,255,95) | hsl(120,100%,68%) | |
84 | SeaGreen1 | #5fff87 | rgb(95,255,135) | hsl(135,100%,68%) | |
85 | SeaGreen1 | #5fffaf | rgb(95,255,175) | hsl(150,100%,68%) | |
86 | Aquamarine1 | #5fffd7 | rgb(95,255,215) | hsl(165,100%,68%) | |
87 | DarkSlateGray2 | #5fffff | rgb(95,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,68%) | |
88 | DarkRed | #870000 | rgb(135,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,26%) | |
89 | DeepPink4 | #87005f | rgb(135,0,95) | hsl(17,100%,26%) | |
90 | DarkMagenta | #870087 | rgb(135,0,135) | hsl(300,100%,26%) | |
91 | DarkMagenta | #8700af | rgb(135,0,175) | hsl(86,100%,34%) | |
92 | DarkViolet | #8700d7 | rgb(135,0,215) | hsl(77,100%,42%) | |
93 | Purple | #8700ff | rgb(135,0,255) | hsl(71,100%,50%) | |
94 | Orange4 | #875f00 | rgb(135,95,0) | hsl(2,100%,26%) | |
95 | LightPink4 | #875f5f | rgb(135,95,95) | hsl(0,17%,45%) | |
96 | Plum4 | #875f87 | rgb(135,95,135) | hsl(300,17%,45%) | |
97 | MediumPurple3 | #875faf | rgb(135,95,175) | hsl(270,33%,52%) | |
98 | MediumPurple3 | #875fd7 | rgb(135,95,215) | hsl(260,60%,60%) | |
99 | SlateBlue1 | #875fff | rgb(135,95,255) | hsl(255,100%,68%) | |
100 | Yellow4 | #878700 | rgb(135,135,0) | hsl(60,100%,26%) | |
101 | Wheat4 | #87875f | rgb(135,135,95) | hsl(60,17%,45%) | |
102 | Grey53 | #878787 | rgb(135,135,135) | hsl(0,0%,52%) | |
103 | LightSlateGrey | #8787af | rgb(135,135,175) | hsl(240,20%,60%) | |
104 | MediumPurple | #8787d7 | rgb(135,135,215) | hsl(240,50%,68%) | |
105 | LightSlateBlue | #8787ff | rgb(135,135,255) | hsl(240,100%,76%) | |
106 | Yellow4 | #87af00 | rgb(135,175,0) | hsl(3,100%,34%) | |
107 | DarkOliveGreen3 | #87af5f | rgb(135,175,95) | hsl(90,33%,52%) | |
108 | DarkSeaGreen | #87af87 | rgb(135,175,135) | hsl(120,20%,60%) | |
109 | LightSkyBlue3 | #87afaf | rgb(135,175,175) | hsl(180,20%,60%) | |
110 | LightSkyBlue3 | #87afd7 | rgb(135,175,215) | hsl(210,50%,68%) | |
111 | SkyBlue2 | #87afff | rgb(135,175,255) | hsl(220,100%,76%) | |
112 | Chartreuse2 | #87d700 | rgb(135,215,0) | hsl(2,100%,42%) | |
113 | DarkOliveGreen3 | #87d75f | rgb(135,215,95) | hsl(100,60%,60%) | |
114 | PaleGreen3 | #87d787 | rgb(135,215,135) | hsl(120,50%,68%) | |
115 | DarkSeaGreen3 | #87d7af | rgb(135,215,175) | hsl(150,50%,68%) | |
116 | DarkSlateGray3 | #87d7d7 | rgb(135,215,215) | hsl(180,50%,68%) | |
117 | SkyBlue1 | #87d7ff | rgb(135,215,255) | hsl(200,100%,76%) | |
118 | Chartreuse1 | #87ff00 | rgb(135,255,0) | hsl(8,100%,50%) | |
119 | LightGreen | #87ff5f | rgb(135,255,95) | hsl(105,100%,68%) | |
120 | LightGreen | #87ff87 | rgb(135,255,135) | hsl(120,100%,76%) | |
121 | PaleGreen1 | #87ffaf | rgb(135,255,175) | hsl(140,100%,76%) | |
122 | Aquamarine1 | #87ffd7 | rgb(135,255,215) | hsl(160,100%,76%) | |
123 | DarkSlateGray1 | #87ffff | rgb(135,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,76%) | |
124 | Red3 | #af0000 | rgb(175,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,34%) | |
125 | DeepPink4 | #af005f | rgb(175,0,95) | hsl(27,100%,34%) | |
126 | MediumVioletRed | #af0087 | rgb(175,0,135) | hsl(13,100%,34%) | |
127 | Magenta3 | #af00af | rgb(175,0,175) | hsl(300,100%,34%) | |
128 | DarkViolet | #af00d7 | rgb(175,0,215) | hsl(88,100%,42%) | |
129 | Purple | #af00ff | rgb(175,0,255) | hsl(81,100%,50%) | |
130 | DarkOrange3 | #af5f00 | rgb(175,95,0) | hsl(2,100%,34%) | |
131 | IndianRed | #af5f5f | rgb(175,95,95) | hsl(0,33%,52%) | |
132 | HotPink3 | #af5f87 | rgb(175,95,135) | hsl(330,33%,52%) | |
133 | MediumOrchid3 | #af5faf | rgb(175,95,175) | hsl(300,33%,52%) | |
134 | MediumOrchid | #af5fd7 | rgb(175,95,215) | hsl(280,60%,60%) | |
135 | MediumPurple2 | #af5fff | rgb(175,95,255) | hsl(270,100%,68%) | |
136 | DarkGoldenrod | #af8700 | rgb(175,135,0) | hsl(6,100%,34%) | |
137 | LightSalmon3 | #af875f | rgb(175,135,95) | hsl(30,33%,52%) | |
138 | RosyBrown | #af8787 | rgb(175,135,135) | hsl(0,20%,60%) | |
139 | Grey63 | #af87af | rgb(175,135,175) | hsl(300,20%,60%) | |
140 | MediumPurple2 | #af87d7 | rgb(175,135,215) | hsl(270,50%,68%) | |
141 | MediumPurple1 | #af87ff | rgb(175,135,255) | hsl(260,100%,76%) | |
142 | Gold3 | #afaf00 | rgb(175,175,0) | hsl(60,100%,34%) | |
143 | DarkKhaki | #afaf5f | rgb(175,175,95) | hsl(60,33%,52%) | |
144 | NavajoWhite3 | #afaf87 | rgb(175,175,135) | hsl(60,20%,60%) | |
145 | Grey69 | #afafaf | rgb(175,175,175) | hsl(0,0%,68%) | |
146 | LightSteelBlue3 | #afafd7 | rgb(175,175,215) | hsl(240,33%,76%) | |
147 | LightSteelBlue | #afafff | rgb(175,175,255) | hsl(240,100%,84%) | |
148 | Yellow3 | #afd700 | rgb(175,215,0) | hsl(1,100%,42%) | |
149 | DarkOliveGreen3 | #afd75f | rgb(175,215,95) | hsl(80,60%,60%) | |
150 | DarkSeaGreen3 | #afd787 | rgb(175,215,135) | hsl(90,50%,68%) | |
151 | DarkSeaGreen2 | #afd7af | rgb(175,215,175) | hsl(120,33%,76%) | |
152 | LightCyan3 | #afd7d7 | rgb(175,215,215) | hsl(180,33%,76%) | |
153 | LightSkyBlue1 | #afd7ff | rgb(175,215,255) | hsl(210,100%,84%) | |
154 | GreenYellow | #afff00 | rgb(175,255,0) | hsl(8,100%,50%) | |
155 | DarkOliveGreen2 | #afff5f | rgb(175,255,95) | hsl(90,100%,68%) | |
156 | PaleGreen1 | #afff87 | rgb(175,255,135) | hsl(100,100%,76%) | |
157 | DarkSeaGreen2 | #afffaf | rgb(175,255,175) | hsl(120,100%,84%) | |
158 | DarkSeaGreen1 | #afffd7 | rgb(175,255,215) | hsl(150,100%,84%) | |
159 | PaleTurquoise1 | #afffff | rgb(175,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,84%) | |
160 | Red3 | #d70000 | rgb(215,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,42%) | |
161 | DeepPink3 | #d7005f | rgb(215,0,95) | hsl(33,100%,42%) | |
162 | DeepPink3 | #d70087 | rgb(215,0,135) | hsl(22,100%,42%) | |
163 | Magenta3 | #d700af | rgb(215,0,175) | hsl(11,100%,42%) | |
164 | Magenta3 | #d700d7 | rgb(215,0,215) | hsl(300,100%,42%) | |
165 | Magenta2 | #d700ff | rgb(215,0,255) | hsl(90,100%,50%) | |
166 | DarkOrange3 | #d75f00 | rgb(215,95,0) | hsl(6,100%,42%) | |
167 | IndianRed | #d75f5f | rgb(215,95,95) | hsl(0,60%,60%) | |
168 | HotPink3 | #d75f87 | rgb(215,95,135) | hsl(340,60%,60%) | |
169 | HotPink2 | #d75faf | rgb(215,95,175) | hsl(320,60%,60%) | |
170 | Orchid | #d75fd7 | rgb(215,95,215) | hsl(300,60%,60%) | |
171 | MediumOrchid1 | #d75fff | rgb(215,95,255) | hsl(285,100%,68%) | |
172 | Orange3 | #d78700 | rgb(215,135,0) | hsl(7,100%,42%) | |
173 | LightSalmon3 | #d7875f | rgb(215,135,95) | hsl(20,60%,60%) | |
174 | LightPink3 | #d78787 | rgb(215,135,135) | hsl(0,50%,68%) | |
175 | Pink3 | #d787af | rgb(215,135,175) | hsl(330,50%,68%) | |
176 | Plum3 | #d787d7 | rgb(215,135,215) | hsl(300,50%,68%) | |
177 | Violet | #d787ff | rgb(215,135,255) | hsl(280,100%,76%) | |
178 | Gold3 | #d7af00 | rgb(215,175,0) | hsl(8,100%,42%) | |
179 | LightGoldenrod3 | #d7af5f | rgb(215,175,95) | hsl(40,60%,60%) | |
180 | Tan | #d7af87 | rgb(215,175,135) | hsl(30,50%,68%) | |
181 | MistyRose3 | #d7afaf | rgb(215,175,175) | hsl(0,33%,76%) | |
182 | Thistle3 | #d7afd7 | rgb(215,175,215) | hsl(300,33%,76%) | |
183 | Plum2 | #d7afff | rgb(215,175,255) | hsl(270,100%,84%) | |
184 | Yellow3 | #d7d700 | rgb(215,215,0) | hsl(60,100%,42%) | |
185 | Khaki3 | #d7d75f | rgb(215,215,95) | hsl(60,60%,60%) | |
186 | LightGoldenrod2 | #d7d787 | rgb(215,215,135) | hsl(60,50%,68%) | |
187 | LightYellow3 | #d7d7af | rgb(215,215,175) | hsl(60,33%,76%) | |
188 | Grey84 | #d7d7d7 | rgb(215,215,215) | hsl(0,0%,84%) | |
189 | LightSteelBlue1 | #d7d7ff | rgb(215,215,255) | hsl(240,100%,92%) | |
190 | Yellow2 | #d7ff00 | rgb(215,255,0) | hsl(9,100%,50%) | |
191 | DarkOliveGreen1 | #d7ff5f | rgb(215,255,95) | hsl(75,100%,68%) | |
192 | DarkOliveGreen1 | #d7ff87 | rgb(215,255,135) | hsl(80,100%,76%) | |
193 | DarkSeaGreen1 | #d7ffaf | rgb(215,255,175) | hsl(90,100%,84%) | |
194 | Honeydew2 | #d7ffd7 | rgb(215,255,215) | hsl(120,100%,92%) | |
195 | LightCyan1 | #d7ffff | rgb(215,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,92%) | |
196 | Red1 | #ff0000 | rgb(255,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,50%) | |
197 | DeepPink2 | #ff005f | rgb(255,0,95) | hsl(37,100%,50%) | |
198 | DeepPink1 | #ff0087 | rgb(255,0,135) | hsl(28,100%,50%) | |
199 | DeepPink1 | #ff00af | rgb(255,0,175) | hsl(18,100%,50%) | |
200 | Magenta2 | #ff00d7 | rgb(255,0,215) | hsl(09,100%,50%) | |
201 | Magenta1 | #ff00ff | rgb(255,0,255) | hsl(300,100%,50%) | |
202 | OrangeRed1 | #ff5f00 | rgb(255,95,0) | hsl(2,100%,50%) | |
203 | IndianRed1 | #ff5f5f | rgb(255,95,95) | hsl(0,100%,68%) | |
204 | IndianRed1 | #ff5f87 | rgb(255,95,135) | hsl(345,100%,68%) | |
205 | HotPink | #ff5faf | rgb(255,95,175) | hsl(330,100%,68%) | |
206 | HotPink | #ff5fd7 | rgb(255,95,215) | hsl(315,100%,68%) | |
207 | MediumOrchid1 | #ff5fff | rgb(255,95,255) | hsl(300,100%,68%) | |
208 | DarkOrange | #ff8700 | rgb(255,135,0) | hsl(1,100%,50%) | |
209 | Salmon1 | #ff875f | rgb(255,135,95) | hsl(15,100%,68%) | |
210 | LightCoral | #ff8787 | rgb(255,135,135) | hsl(0,100%,76%) | |
211 | PaleVioletRed1 | #ff87af | rgb(255,135,175) | hsl(340,100%,76%) | |
212 | Orchid2 | #ff87d7 | rgb(255,135,215) | hsl(320,100%,76%) | |
213 | Orchid1 | #ff87ff | rgb(255,135,255) | hsl(300,100%,76%) | |
214 | Orange1 | #ffaf00 | rgb(255,175,0) | hsl(1,100%,50%) | |
215 | SandyBrown | #ffaf5f | rgb(255,175,95) | hsl(30,100%,68%) | |
216 | LightSalmon1 | #ffaf87 | rgb(255,175,135) | hsl(20,100%,76%) | |
217 | LightPink1 | #ffafaf | rgb(255,175,175) | hsl(0,100%,84%) | |
218 | Pink1 | #ffafd7 | rgb(255,175,215) | hsl(330,100%,84%) | |
219 | Plum1 | #ffafff | rgb(255,175,255) | hsl(300,100%,84%) | |
220 | Gold1 | #ffd700 | rgb(255,215,0) | hsl(0,100%,50%) | |
221 | LightGoldenrod2 | #ffd75f | rgb(255,215,95) | hsl(45,100%,68%) | |
222 | LightGoldenrod2 | #ffd787 | rgb(255,215,135) | hsl(40,100%,76%) | |
223 | NavajoWhite1 | #ffd7af | rgb(255,215,175) | hsl(30,100%,84%) | |
224 | MistyRose1 | #ffd7d7 | rgb(255,215,215) | hsl(0,100%,92%) | |
225 | Thistle1 | #ffd7ff | rgb(255,215,255) | hsl(300,100%,92%) | |
226 | Yellow1 | #ffff00 | rgb(255,255,0) | hsl(60,100%,50%) | |
227 | LightGoldenrod1 | #ffff5f | rgb(255,255,95) | hsl(60,100%,68%) | |
228 | Khaki1 | #ffff87 | rgb(255,255,135) | hsl(60,100%,76%) | |
229 | Wheat1 | #ffffaf | rgb(255,255,175) | hsl(60,100%,84%) | |
230 | Cornsilk1 | #ffffd7 | rgb(255,255,215) | hsl(60,100%,92%) | |
231 | Grey100 | #ffffff | rgb(255,255,255) | hsl(0,0%,100%) | |
232 | Grey3 | #080808 | rgb(8,8,8) | hsl(0,0%,3%) | |
233 | Grey7 | #121212 | rgb(18,18,18) | hsl(0,0%,7%) | |
234 | Grey11 | #1c1c1c | rgb(28,28,28) | hsl(0,0%,10%) | |
235 | Grey15 | #262626 | rgb(38,38,38) | hsl(0,0%,14%) | |
236 | Grey19 | #303030 | rgb(48,48,48) | hsl(0,0%,18%) | |
237 | Grey23 | #3a3a3a | rgb(58,58,58) | hsl(0,0%,22%) | |
238 | Grey27 | #444444 | rgb(68,68,68) | hsl(0,0%,26%) | |
239 | Grey30 | #4e4e4e | rgb(78,78,78) | hsl(0,0%,30%) | |
240 | Grey35 | #585858 | rgb(88,88,88) | hsl(0,0%,34%) | |
241 | Grey39 | #626262 | rgb(98,98,98) | hsl(0,0%,37%) | |
242 | Grey42 | #6c6c6c | rgb(108,108,108) | hsl(0,0%,40%) | |
243 | Grey46 | #767676 | rgb(118,118,118) | hsl(0,0%,46%) | |
244 | Grey50 | #808080 | rgb(128,128,128) | hsl(0,0%,50%) | |
245 | Grey54 | #8a8a8a | rgb(138,138,138) | hsl(0,0%,54%) | |
246 | Grey58 | #949494 | rgb(148,148,148) | hsl(0,0%,58%) | |
247 | Grey62 | #9e9e9e | rgb(158,158,158) | hsl(0,0%,61%) | |
248 | Grey66 | #a8a8a8 | rgb(168,168,168) | hsl(0,0%,65%) | |
249 | Grey70 | #b2b2b2 | rgb(178,178,178) | hsl(0,0%,69%) | |
250 | Grey74 | #bcbcbc | rgb(188,188,188) | hsl(0,0%,73%) | |
251 | Grey78 | #c6c6c6 | rgb(198,198,198) | hsl(0,0%,77%) | |
252 | Grey82 | #d0d0d0 | rgb(208,208,208) | hsl(0,0%,81%) | |
253 | Grey85 | #dadada | rgb(218,218,218) | hsl(0,0%,85%) | |
254 | Grey89 | #e4e4e4 | rgb(228,228,228) | hsl(0,0%,89%) | |
255 | Grey93 | #eeeeee | rgb(238,238,238) | hsl(0,0%,93%) |